PSPCL Recruitment 2019: Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd. (
PSPCL) published recruitment notification for
1798 LDC, Stenographer, JE, AO, Electrician & Others posts AGAINST CRA 293/19 & 294/19. Online application invites from eligible candidates on or before 01.10.2019 (11:59 pm).
PSPCL recruitment related other details like age limit, qualification, fees, notification, admit card, exam date given below.
PSPCL Notification Short Detail
Vacancy Detail: |
S. No | Post Name | Total |
1 | Lower Division Clerk | 1000 |
2 | Junior Engineer/ Electrical | 500 |
3 | Junior Engineer/ Civil | 110 |
4 | Revenue Accountant | 54 |
5 | Electrician Grade-II | 45 |
6 | Divisional Supdt. Accounts | 26 |
7 | Steno typist | 50 |
8 | Internal Auditor | 9 |
9 | Accounts Officer | 4 |
| Total | 1798 |
Age Limit: |
Age relaxation is applicable for all reserved Categories candidates as per Punjab Govt. Instructions. |
Educational Qualification: |
For qualification details view PSPCL recruitment notification. |
Application Fees: |
View PSPCL recruitment notification.. |
How to Apply: |
Eligible candidates can apply online through given below link. |
Remark: |
--- |
PSPCL Recruitment Schedule
Important Dates: |
Starting Date of Apply Online: 05-09-2019 |
Last Date of Apply Online: 01-10-2019 (11:59 PM) |
Last Date for Fees Payment: 04-10-2019 |
PSPCL Recruitment Links
Note: Candidates who have interested to apply. Read PSPCL Recruitment 2019 notification carefully and then apply given above link.
Junior Engineer
LDC Clerk
Punjab Govt Jobs