RPSC Senior Teacher Admit Card 2023: 2nd Grade Teacher Exam Admit Card

Admit Card, RPSC Senior Teacher Admit Card 2023: 2nd Grade Teacher Exam Admit Card, RPSC, check details like age limit, qualification, fee, selection process, notification, admit card, result.

Detail of the Post: RPSC Senior Teacher 2nd Grade Teacher Admit Card 2023

Total Vacancy: 9760

Advt.No.: 1/2022-23

RPSC Senior Teacher Admit Card 2022: Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has released 9760 Senior Teacher 2nd Grade Teacher vacancy notification for (School Edu.) in various subjects. RPSC 2nd Grade Teacher vacancy releated Other detail like age limit, qualification, fee, notification, syllabus, schedule, admit card, exam date, website etc. given below.

RPSC Senior Teacher Admit Card 2023

RPSC 2nd Grade Teacher 2022 Vacancies

Subject Post
English 1668
Hindi 1298
Maths 1613
Sanskrit 1800
Science  1565
S.St 1640
Punjabi 70
Urdu 106
Total 9760

RPSC Senior Teacher Vacancy 2022 Eligibility

Application Fee:

  • Gen./OBC/BC of Creamy Layer: Rs. 350/-
  • OBC Non-Creamy/ MBC and EWS: Rs. 250/-
  • SC/ST: Rs. 150/-
  • Payment mode online.

Age Limit:

  • Upper Age Limit as on 01-01-2023: 21 to 40 Years
  • Age relaxation is applicable as per Govt rules.

2nd Grade Teacher Educational Qualification:

  • Hindi, English, Maths, Sanskrit, Urdu, and Punjabi Subject: Graduate or equivalent examination recognized by UGC with concerned subject as Optional Subject, and Degree or Diploma in Education recognized by the National Council of Teacher Education/Government.
  • Science Subject: Graduate or equivalent examination recognized by UGC with at least two of the following subjects as Optional Subjects Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Micro Biology, Bio-Technology and Bio-Chemistry and Degree or Diploma in Education recognized by the National Council of Teacher Education/Government.
  • Social Science Subject: Graduate or equivalent examination recognized by UGC with at least two of the following subjects as Optional
    Subjects:–History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration and Philosophy, and Degree or Diploma in education recognized by the National Council of Teacher Education/Government.
  • Working knowledge of Hindi written in Devnagri Script and knowledge of Rajasthani Culture.
  • More details read RPSC Senior Teacher 2nd Grade recruitment Notification.


2nd Grade Teacher Salary: L-11 (Grade Pay -4200/-)

How to Apply 2nd Grade Teacher Vacancy 2022 ?

Interested Candidates can apply https://sso.rajasthan.gov.in or click given below Apply Online link.

RPSC Senior Teacher (2nd Grade) 2022 Syllabus

Scheme and syllabus of competitive examination for senior teacher. The Examination shall carry 500 marks. There will be two papers. Paper-I shall be of 200 marks and Paper-II shall be of 300 marks.

RPSC 2nd Grade Teacher Paper 1 Syllabus

  1. The question paper will carry maximum 200 marks.
  2. Duration of question paper will be 2.00 hours.
  3. The question paper will carry 100 questions of multiple choices.
  4. Paper shall include following subjects:-
    (i) Geographical, Historical, Cultural and general knowledge of Rajasthan.
    (ii) Current Affairs of Rajasthan
    (iii) General knowledge of world and India
    (iv) Educational Psychology.
  5. Negative marking shall be applicable in the evaluation of answer. For every wrong answer one third of the the marks prescribed for that particular question shall be deducted.
    Explantion: Wrong answer shall mean an incorrect answer or multiple answers.
  6. The minimum qualifying marks for each paper shall be 40%. Provided that the percentage fixed as above shall be relaxed by 5% for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

RPSC 2nd Grade Teacher Paper 2 Syllabus

  1. The question paper will carry maximum 300 marks.
  2. Duration of question paper will be 2 Hours 30 Minutes
  3. The question paper will carry 150 questions of multiple choices
  4. Negative marking shall be applicable in the evaluation of answers. For every wrong answer one third of the the marks prescribed for that particular question shall be deducted.
    Explantion: Wrong answer shall mean an incorrect answer or multiple answers.
  5. The minimum qualifying marks for each paper shall be 40% . Provided that the percentage fixed as above shall be relaxed by 5% for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
  6. Paper shall include following subjects :-
    (i) Knowledge of secondary and senior secondary standard about relevant subject matter.
    (ii) knowledge of graduation standard about relevant subject matter
    (iii) Teaching methods of relevant subject.

Syllabus and Scope of Papers:- The syllabus and scope of paper for the examination will be as prescribed by the Commission/Rajasthan Staff Selection Board/Appointing Authority as the case may be, from time to time and wil be intimated to the within the supulated time in the manner as the Commission/Rajasthan Staff Selection Board/Appointing Authority, as the case may be, deems fit.

RPSC Senior Teacher 2022 Important Dates

  • Opening Date Apply Online: 11-04-2022
  • Closing Date Apply Online: 10-05-2022 14-05-2022 till 12:00 Hrs
  • RPSC 2nd Grade Senior Teacher Exam Date: 28 to 29-01-2023

Important Link

Click Here to Download Admit Card
Subject Wise Syllabus Last Date Extension Press Note OTR Profile Editing Press Note Apply Online 2nd Grade Teacher Vacancy Notification 2nd Grade Teacher Syllabus PDF Official Website Hindi Job Alert
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