HP Forest Guard PET Admit Card 2021
Total Posts: 311
Posted: 28-06-2021
Update On: 07-09-2021
Category: HP Govt Job

HP Forest Guard PET Admit Card 2021: Himachal Pradesh Forest Department has released (311) Forest Guard vacancy recruitment notification on contract basis. Other details like age limit, qualification, application fee, notification, syllabus, admit card, exam date given below.
HP Forest Guard Posts Detail
S.No. | Circle | Total |
1 | Bilaspur | 30 |
2 | Champa | 15 |
3 | Dharmashala | 57 |
4 | Hamirpur | 37 |
5 | Kullu | 30 |
6 | Mandi | 35 |
7 | Nahan | 20 |
8 | Rampur | 23 |
9 | Shimla | 24 |
10 | Solan | 17 |
11 | WL Shimla | 15 |
12 | WL D/ Shala | 3 |
13 | GHNP Shamshi | 5 |
Forest Guard Vacancy Eligibility
Age Limit:
Age relaxation for reserved categories as per Govt. rules.
As per rule. Read details below notification.
Candidates who have interested to apply Forest Guard Vacancy read notification carefully and ensure their eligibility before the online application.
Important Dates:
- Intimation to the Circles: 18-06-2021
- Advertisement for Procedure & Criteria of Selection by (CCF/ CFs): 05-07-2021
- Starting Date to Apply Online: 06-07-2021
- Closing Date to Apply Online: 19-08-2021
- Scrutiny of Forms (including evaluation parameters): 20-08 to 08-09-2021
- Intimation for Physical Test: 09 to 20-09-2021
- Carrying out Physical Test: 21-09 to 20-10-2021
- Uploading of Admit Card for Written Test: 21 to 25-10-2021
- Written Test on OMR Sheets: 31-10-2021
- Uploading of Key & Raising of Objections: 01-10 to 05-11-2021
- Evaluation & Compilation of Written Test by UHF-Nauni: 06 to 15-11-2021
- Declaration of Results: 16 to 19-11-2021
- Declaration of Verification of evaluation: 20-11 to 03-12-2021
- Declaration of Final Result: 04 to 06-12-2021
HP Forest Guard PET Admit Card 2021 | PET Date