UPSC ESE Syllabus

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UPSC ESE Syllabus: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Engineering Services Exam syllabus for ESE Examination Syllabus given below:

UPSC ESE Syllabus

Highlight of UPSC ESE Syllabus and Exam Pattern

The examination shall be conducted according to the following plan:

  • Stage‐I: Engineering Services (Preliminary/Stage‐I) Examination (Objective Type Papers) for the selection of candidates for the Stage‐II: Engineering Services (Main/Stage‐II) Examination.
  • Stage‐II: Engineering Services (Main/Stage‐II) Examination (Conventional Type Papers) and
  • Stage‐III : Personality Test


A. Stage‐I (Preliminary/Stage‐I) Examination:
SubjectDurationMax. Marks
Category‐I Civil Engineering
Paper‐I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude)2 Hrs200
Paper‐II (Civil Engineering)3 Hrs300
SubjectDurationMax. Marks
Category‐II Mechanical Engineering
Paper‐I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude)2 Hrs200
Paper‐II (Mechanical Engineering)3 Hrs300
SubjectDurationMax. Marks
Category‐III Electrical Engineerin
Paper‐I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude)2 Hrs200
Paper‐II (Electrical Engineerin)3 Hrs300
SubjectDurationMax. Marks
Category‐IV Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Paper‐I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude)2 Hrs200
Paper‐II (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering)3 Hrs300

B. Stage‐II(Main/Stage‐II) Examination:

SubjectDurationMax. Marks
Category‐I Civil Engineering
Paper‐I (Civil Engineering)3 Hrs300
Paper‐II (Civil Engineering)3 Hrs300
SubjectDurationMax. Marks
Category‐II Mechanical Engineering
Paper‐I (Mechanical Engineering)3 Hrs300
Paper‐II (Mechanical Engineering)3 Hrs300
SubjectDurationMax. Marks
Category‐III Electrical Engineering
Paper‐I (Electrical Engineering)3 Hrs300
Paper‐II (Electrical Engineering)3 Hrs300
SubjectDurationMax. Marks
Category‐IV Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Paper‐I (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering)3 Hrs300
Paper‐II (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering)3 Hrs300

C. Stage‐III(Personality Test) ‐ 200 Marks

Section‐III Standard and Syllabi

I. Civil Engineering (Objective and Conventional type):

Paper I
  1. Building Materials
  2. Solid Mechanics
  3. Structural Analysis
  4. Design of Steel Structures
  5. Design of Concrete and Masonry Structures
  6. Construction Practice, Planning and Management
Paper II
  1. (a) Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel, Flow, Pipe Flow (b) Hydraulic Machines and Hydropower
  2. (a) Hydrology (b) Water Resources Engineering
  3. Environmental Engineering (a) Water Supply Engineering (b) Waste Water Engineering (c) Solid Waste Management (d) Air and Noise Pollution and Ecology
  4. (a) Geo-technical Engineering (b) Foundation Engineering
  5. (a) Surveying and Geology (b) Transportation Engineering

II. Mechanical Engineering (Objective and Conventional type):

Paper I
  1. Fluid Mechanics
  2. Thermodynamics and Heat transfer
  3. IC Engines, Refrigeration and Air conditioning
  4. Turbo Machinery
  5. Power Plant Engineering
  6. Renewable Sources of Energy
Paper II
  1. Engineering Mechanics
  2. Mechanisms and Machines
  3. Design of Machine Elements
  4. Manufacturing ,Industrial and Maintenance Engineering
  5. Mechatronics and Robotics

III. Electrical Engineering (Objective and Conventional type):

Paper I
  1. Engineering Mathematics
  2. Electrical Materials
  3. Electric Circuits and Fields
  4. Electrical and Electronic Measurements
  5. Computer Fundamentals
  6. Basic Electronics Engineering
Paper II
  1. Analog and Digital Electronics
  2. Systems and Signal Processing
  3. Control Systems
  4. Electrical Machines
  5. Power Systems
  6. Power Electronics and Drives

IV. Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering (Objective and Conventional type):

Paper I
  1. Basic Electronics Engineering
  2. Basic Electrical Engineering
  3. Materials Science
  4. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
  5. Network Theory
  6. Analog and Digital Circuits
Paper II
  1. Analog and Digital Communication Systems
  2. Control Systems
  3. Computer Organization and Architecture
  4. Electro Magnetics
  5. Advanced Electronics Topics
  6. Advanced Communication Topics
Important Links:
UPSC ESE Syllabus PDF Click Here
Official Website Click Here
The detailed syllabus is available at UPSC Website Indicative syllabus is as follows
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