DRDO TBRL Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2021: DRDO Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory (TBRL) recruitment notification for 79 Trade Apprentice vacancy. Under the provisions of Apprentices Act, 1961. Eligible candidates Apply Online through given below link. DRDO Recruitment related other detail given below.
DRDO Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory (TBRL)
Trade Apprentice Vacancy 2021
Total Posts: 79
Date Posted: 18-04-2021
Vacancies Detail
S.No. | Trade | Posts |
1 | Fitter | 14 |
2 | Machinist | 6 |
3 | Turner | 4 |
4 | Carpenter | 3 |
5 | Electrician | 10 |
6 | Electronics Mechanic | 9 |
7 | Mechanic (Moter Vehicle) | 3 |
8 | Wlder (Gas & Electric) | 7 |
9 | Computer & Peripherals Hardware Repair & Maintenance Mechanic | 2 |
10 | Computer Opetator and Programming Assistant (COPA) | 5 |
11 | Digital Photographer | 6 |
12 | Secretarial Assistant | 8 |
13 | Stenographer (Hindi) | 1 |
14 | Stenographer (English) | 1 |
Total | 79 |
TBRL Trade Apprentice Eligibility
Age Limit:
- Candidates Age Limit not be less than 14 years as on closing date.
- Category Age relaxation is applicable as per Govt. rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates must ITI Pass in respective trades. For more qualification details see DRDO TBRL Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Notification.
Selection Procedure: Candidates will be selected based on merit basis (percentage of marks of qualifuing examination).
TBRL Trade Apprentice Salary
- S.No. 1 to 7: Rs.8050/- per month
- S.No. 8 to 14: Rs.7700/- per month
How to Apply DRDO TBRL Trade Apprentice
- Candidates are required to apply through NAPS portal i.e. apprenticeshipindia.org. All the required documents/certificates should be uploaded on portal.
- After applying at above mentioned portal, candidates are required to send scanned copies of all the relevant documents/certificates (10th Certificate, ITI Certificate & Marksheet, Caste Certificate, ID Proof, etc.) in a single PDF file through e-mail to admintbrl@tbrl.drdo.in. Application of candidates not submitting the scanned documents through'e-mail, shall besummarily rejected.
- Applications received after due date/incomplete are liable to be rejected.
Important Dates
- Last date for the receipt of application: 17-05-2021
Important Links
Candidates who have interested to apply for this vacancy. Read DRDO TBRL Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2021 notification carefully and then apply given above link.