AFCAT Exam 2024: Indian Air Force (IAF) has published AFCAT (01/2024) 317 Vacancy notification for Flying Branch & Ground Duty (Technical and Non-Technical) Branches. NCC Special Entry/ Meteorology Entry for Courses Commencing in January 2023.
Candidates who are interested in this vacancy can read the Notification & Apply Online through given below link. Other details like age limit, qualification, application fee, notificaiton, syllabus, exam date, result, website given below.

Indian Air Force (IAF)
AFCAT (01/2024) Exam
AFCAT Exam 2023 Vacancy Detail
- AFCAT Entry Flying:38
- AFCAT Entry Ground Duty (Technical): 165
- AFCAT Entry Ground Duty (Non - Technical): 114
- NCC Special Entry (Flying): 10% Seats
AFCAT Eligibility
Age Limit (as on 01-01-2025):
For Flying Branch:- Minimum Age: 20 Years
- Maximum Age: 24 Years
- Candidates born between 02-01-2001 to 01-01-2005 (both dates inclusive)
- Minimum Age: 20 Years
- Maximum Age: 26 Years
- Candidates born between 02-01-1999 to 01-01-2005 (both dates inclusive).
Educational Qualification:
- Flying Branch:
- Graduate (Three Year Course) in any discipline from a recognised University (with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level)/BE/B Tech (Four Year Course).
- Final Year/semester students are also eligible to apply, provided they produce Degree certificate issued by the University as per the date stipulated in the advertisement.
- No Percentage Bar for CDSE entry.
- Ground Duty (Non-Technical) Branches: Graduate Degree (Minimum three year degree course) in any discipline from a recognised university with 60% marks or equivalent or cleared section A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India from a recognised university with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent.
- For more qualification details view Indian Air Force AFCAT 2021 notification.
Application Fees:
- AFCAT Entry Fees: Rs.550/-
- Payment Mode: Online
How to Apply: Eligible Candidates can apply Online given below link.
Candidates who have wanted to apply for Indian Air Force AFCAT Exam 2024. Those candidates should carefully read and understand the advertisement of AFCAT (01/2024) and click on the apply online application link given above. Keep visiting departmental official website for other important information from time to time.
IAF AFCAT Exam 2023 Important Dates
- Start Apply Online: 01-12-2023
- Closing Date of Apply Online: 30-12-2023 (11:00 PM)
- AFCAT Exam Dates: Update Leater
- Download Online Exam AFCAT Admit Card: Update Leater